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於Animate安利美特購買《九柱神 Season1 I》特裝版,
!注意事項 買一套送一張,兩套送兩張,以此類推。
九柱神IG透卡 尺寸5.4cm×8.5cm

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✦ 金石堂 2021/7/22 凌晨0點開賣 網路書店限定贈品
✦ 誠品 2021/7/22 凌晨0點開賣 網路書店限定贈品
✦ 博客來 2021/7/22 凌晨0點開賣 網路書店限定贈品
✦ 讀冊 2021/7/22 凌晨0點開賣


於金石堂、誠品、博客來購買《九柱神 Season1 I》特裝版,
!注意事項 買一套送一支,兩套送兩支,以此類推。
拍立得透扇 尺寸15cm×17.8cm 贈品數量有限,送完為止。

◭ How to order

Ⓠ: I live abroad/I am a foreigner, how do I make oversea purchase?
Ⓐ: For oversea readers who are interested in "Painter of the night" please, we strongly suggest that you could ask your local distributor/bookshop to contact our general distributor "United Distribution Co., Ltd" for it, or you could purchase our books directly from online bookshop listed as following:
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